- MAB-1 (2015) - MAB Generic Electrofusion Procedure for Field Joining of 12 Inch & Smaller Polyethylene (PE) Pipe
- MAB-2 (2017) - MAB Generic Electrofusion Procedure for Field Joining of 14 Inch to 30 Inch Polyethylene (PE) Pipe
- MAB-3 (2020) - Model Specification for PE 4710 Buried Potable Water Service, Distribution and Transmission Pipes and Fittings
- MAB-4 (2019) - Basic HDPE Repair Options
- MAB-5 (2019) - Guidelines for PE 4710 Pipe Bursting of Potable Water Mains
- MAB-6 (2020), MAB Guidelines for HDPE Pipeline Inspection
- MAB-7 (2020), MAB Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of HDPE (PE4710) Pipe in Municipal Applications
- PPI TR-46 2009 - Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of High Density Polyethylene Pipe
Note: Refer to MAB-7 for municipal water applications or to PPI TN-48 for conduit.
MAB-06 (2020)
MAB Guidelines for HDPE Pipeline InspectionAVAILABLE by February 2021
MAB-07 (2020)
MAB Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of HDPE (PE4710) Pipe in Municipal ApplicationsAVAILABLE by February 2021