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- Earthquake-Resilient [HDPE] Pipeline to Keep Water Flowing to Los Angeles, CA
- Earthquake HDPE Pipe Video Cornell 16 Test Top Down
- Earthquake HDPE Pipe Video Cornell 16 Test Inside
- Don Ballantyne (1994). Relative Earthquake Vulnerability of Water Pipes
- Jerry L. Lucas (1994). Southern California Gas Company Response to the Northridge Earthquake
- O'Rourke, M., Liu, X. (1999), Response of Buried Pipelines Subject to Earthquake Effects, MCEER
- ALA (2005). Seismic Guidelines for Water Pipelines
- John Eidinger (2005). Design Guideline for Seismic Resistant Water Pipeline Installations
- EPRI (2006). Nondestructive Evaluation: Seismic Design Criteria for Polyethylene Pipe Replacement Code Case
- Cornell, RPI (2009). NEESR Annual Report
- Don Ballantyne (2010). Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Design of Pipelines, AWWA Journal
- IRIS (2011) How Often Do Earthquakes Occur?
- Masakatsu Miyajima (2012). Damage to Water Supply System Introduced by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
- O'Rourke, Michael, Lui, X (2012). Seismic Design of Buried and Offshore Pipelines, MCEER -12- MN04
- O'Rourke, T.D., Jeon S.S., Toprak, S., Cubrinovski, M., Jung, J.K. (2012). Underground lifeline system performance during the Canterbury earthquake sequence
- Water Reserach Foundation (2012). Recent Earthquakes: Implications for U.S. Water Utilities
- Craig Davis (2013). Los Angeles Pilot Project Using Japanese Earthquake Resistant Joint Ductile Iron Pipe
- Water World (2013) Earthquake-resilient pipeline to keep water flowing to Los Angeles
- Xiangpeng Luo, Jinjin Ma, Jinyang Zheng, Jianfeng Shi (2014) ASME, Finite Element Analysis of Buried Polyethylene Pipe Subjected to Seismic Landslide
- John M. Eidinger (2015) Fragility Models that Reflect Pipe Damage in the 2014 Napa M 6.0 Earthquake
- PE100+ Association (2015) Mechanical Behavior of PE Pipes in Small-Scale Simulated Seismic Conditions in Laboratory
- Insurance Information Institute (2016). Earthquakes: Risk and Insurance Issues
- Verfasst von Lisa Bläcker (2017) Extensive Earthquake Tests, Krah Pipe
- Hideki Omuro, Tomokazu Himono (2018). Presentation: Polyethylene Pipeline Performance Against Earthquake (PP XIX, Las Vegas)
- Hideki Omuro, Tomokazu Himono (2018). Polyethylene Pipeline Performance Against Earthquake (PP XIX, Las Vegas)