Lead Service Lines: HDPE Solutions and Lead Challenges
- ANSI/AWWA C901: Standard for Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing, 3/4" (13 mm) through 3" (76 mm) for Water Service.
- ANSI/AWWA C810-17 Replacement and Flushing of Lead Service Lines
- AWWA M55: Manual for the Design and Installation of Polyethylene Pipe in water Applications.
- PPI Technical Response to Flint FAST Start Program
- Plastics News, June 9, 2016: Flint Evaluating Plastic Pipe
- Livonia, MI: HDPE Saves Infrastructure in Tough Economic Times
- AWWA C901 - NSF 61 / NSF 14
- PPI Polyethylene Piping Systems Field Manual for Municipal Water Applications
- MAB-7 - MAB Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of HDPE (PE4710) Pipe in Municipal Applications
- City of Cascade Idaho Employs HDPE for Entire Water and Wastewater System
- 2" HDPE pipe brings life back to Miami-Dade Water System
- Advanced Polyethylene Pipe Protects New Lake Huron Water Supply
- Poisoning the Well: The US's Unsafe Drinking Water (1/3/2017)
- Fresno bans galvanized pipes as response to northeast's tainted water
- At least 33 US cities used water testing 'cheats' over lead concerns (The Guardian, 2016)
- AWWA Lead Resource Community
- Lead Pipe for Service... (1859)
- Chadwick-Boston Lead Co. (1915)
- DrinkTap